kira-kira Jack Kall, DMD, MIAOMT

John C. Kall, DMD, FAGD, MIAOMT 2323 Jeruk Nipis Kiln Lane Louisville, Kentucky, Amérika Sarikat 502.767.7631 sél 1977 Lulusan Universitas Louisville Sakola Kedokteran Gigi DMD degree 1977-present. License to practice dentistry in Kentucky. #4715 1977-2002 Dental Director of Family Health Centers, (Community Health Center), Department of Public Health, Louisville, KY (Discontinued use of mercury amalgam at this public health facility in 1983.) 1977-present. Dental Health Center, (Founder—Private Practice), Louisville, KY (Discontinued use of mercury amalgam at this private office in 1983.) 1988-present. Board of Directors, International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology 1991 Fellow of Academy of General Dentistry FAGD 1993 President of Kentucky Chapter of Academy of General Dentistry 1994 Fellow of International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology FIAOMT 1996-present. Chairman, Board of Directors, International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology 2006 Master of International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology MIAOMT 2010 Kasaksian ngalawan panggunaan keusikan merkuri di Panel Produk Pergigian FDA 2012 Kana uleman ti Filipina urang Sekretaris Kaséhatan masihan presentasi teh "Kedokteran Gigi Tanpa Mercury dina Kaséhatan Umum" dina konferensi nasional di Manila: Philippines—Towards mercury-free Dentistry 2013 Co-authored "Akademi Internasional Kedokteran Lisan & Toksikologi (IAOMT) Pernyataan posisi ngalawan fillings amalgam merkuri dental pikeun praktisi médis sareng dental, mahasiswa dental sareng pasien". 2016 Co-pangarang bab “Naon resikona? amalgam dental, paparan merkuri, sareng résiko kaséhatan manusa sapanjang umur" dina buku "Epigenetik, Lingkungan sareng Kaséhatan Barudak sapanjang Lifespans" published by Springer in 2016. 2017 presentasi poster “Naon resikona? amalgam dental, paparan merkuri, jeung résiko kaséhatan manusa sapanjang umur" tina bab buku urang di "Epigenetik, Lingkungan sareng Kaséhatan Barudak di sakuliah Lifespans" published by Springer in 2016. Given at the 2017 International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Providence, RI MP-131 2017 masihan presentasi "Kaamanan Tempat Gawé - Protokol Perlindungan Ditingkatkeun" 2017 Kentucky Dental Association meeting. 2017 Co-pangarang "Akademi Internasional Kedokteran Lisan sareng Toxicology (IAOMT) Kertas Posisi Ngalawan Pamakéan Fluorida dina Cai, Bahan Dental, jeung, Produk lianna pikeun Dental sarta Practioners Médis, Dental sarta Médis Siswa, Konsumén, sareng Pembuat Kabijakan. 2018 Designated Emeritus member of the Academy of General Dentistry 2018 Appointed to the Badan Panaséhat Bioregulatory Medical Institute (BRMI).. 2018 Gave presentations "Tinjauan Kedokteran Gigi Biologis" jeung "Mérkurius Aman Téhnik Panyabutan Amalgam—Smart Protocol” at the Bioregulatory Medical Institute Conference, May 11-12, 2018, Louisville, KY 2018 Member of the Institute for Functional Medical 2019 Member of the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health 2019 Testified against the use of mercury fillings at the FDA’s meeting of the Immunology Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee 2019 masihan presentasi "Urang kedah janten saha?" at the joint meeting of the American Academy for Oral and Systemic Health and the American Academy of Physiological Medicine & Dentistry, October 17, 2019, Nashville, TN 2020, 22 Séptémber, Kasaksian ka Panitia Gabungan Interim Pamaréntahan Lokal pikeun Kentucky ngeunaan panalungtikan anu nembé diterbitkeun naroskeun kasalametan fluoridasi cai. (17:00 to 23:00) 2022, October 25, Testified to the Interim Joint Committee on State Government for Kentucky about the recently published research questioning the safety of water fluoridation 2023 Méi 4, Kasaksian ka Rapat Dewan Pembimbing Ilmiah Program Toksikologi Nasional (BSC) ngeunaan Laporan NTP ngeunaan Neurotoxicity Fluoride

Fluorida: Neurotoksik di Tingkat Sakur Nurutkeun Laporan Program Toksikologi Nasional; Kawijakan Fluoridation Kaancam

National Toxicology Programme (NTP) ngarilis tinjauan sistematis anu tos lami parantos lami ngeunaan neurotoxicity fluoride kalayan kacindekan yén paparan fluorida prenatal sareng umur awal tiasa ngirangan IQ.

Fluorida: Neurotoksik di Tingkat Sakur Nurutkeun Laporan Program Toksikologi Nasional; Kawijakan Fluoridation Kaancam2023-07-11T21:57:49-04:00

Kedokteran Gigi Biologis: Perkenalan pikeun Kedokteran Lisan - Toksikologi Gigi

Kedokteran Gigi Biologis milarian cara anu paling aman, paling henteu toksik pikeun ngalaksanakeun misi perawatan, sadaya tujuan kedokteran gigi modern, sareng ngalakukeunana bari leumpang enteng-enteng dina rupa bumi biologis pasien.

Kedokteran Gigi Biologis: Perkenalan pikeun Kedokteran Lisan - Toksikologi Gigi2022-11-23T01:36:12-05:00
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